Aleksandra Waliszewska - petycja ws. lokalu przy Nowym Świecie


/ #31

2014-09-19 18:59

We, the undersigned below, petition the Mayor of Warszawa-Śródmieście district to support Aleksandra Waliszewska’s attempt to obtain permission to rent her flat located in the centre of the city. It is an attic council flat that has been (using her own money) by the artist’s recently deceased grandmother, Anna Dębska, in 1956. Anna Dębska was a Polish sculptress who has created, and displayed, her animal sculptures in many locations throughout Poland, as well as in the USA during her stay there. Aleksandra Waliszewska has been living in the flat since her birth, and it has been a frequent source of inspiration to her, the background for many of her works, a working studio as well as frequently a meeting-place for other artists. As such, this is no mere living-quarter, but a location with its own definite history, featured in many publications and magazines over several decades. Aleksandra Waliszewska came up with an initiative to make the place accessible as a type of “private” gallery, devoted to her own artistic practice and to her family’s female artistic history. The artist’s great-grandmother was a writer of fables, while her mother is a sculptress and a writer. In a way, it could be compared to a situation made possible by the Instytut Awangardy which allowed many viewers to see the living quarters/studio of Edward Krasiński and Henryk Stażewski. We are certain that Aleksandra Waliszewska’s initiative is an important step in the creation of another inspiring spot on Warsaw’s cultural map. — at