Wspieramy polski rząd
Gość |
/ #182016-01-21 10:59In connection with recent outrageous opinions on the internal situation of Poland expressed by Martin Schulz and in connection with the decision according to which this situation is to be the subject-matter of a debate of the European Parliament in January 2016, I resolutely protest against interference in the matters of the Republic of Poland as a sovereign country. The words of the President of the European Parliament (who has recently threatened to use force against Poland, anyway) in which he compared the result of the democratic election to a coup d’etat, constitute an unprecedented violation of all diplomatic customs that have been in use until now. Worse still, these words indicate also the position that the EU bureaucracy would like to assume against one of the biggest member states: the position of absolute superiority that gives the right to impose the form of government and the shape of legislation upon Poland. I am particularly worried about this because – as a Polish patriot – I am aware of the dreadful consequences that affected Poland as a result of foreign interventions in the past. From the tragic experience of the 18th century that led to the collapse of the Polish Commonwealth, through Poland’s isolation in its fight against Bolsheviks in 1920, to the Soviet invasion of 1939 that supported the German aggression and was carried out under the guise of “protection of national minorities”, these consequences were extremely painful for Poland – a Catholic country that has never pursued an aggressive policy against its neighbours. The Western world, which expresses false concern about the allegedly uncertain state of Polish democracy today, demonstrated a passive attitude towards these experiences at best. It was because of the lack of European solidarity that Poles were sentenced to many years of Communist occupation by great powers debating in Yalta; the impact of this occupation has not been shaken off until now. Therefore, I propose that, instead of questioning the results of the democratic election and interfering in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, the supreme EU authorities focus on real problems and threats, such as the uncontrolled inflow of illegal immigrants (nota bene invited by Angela Merkel), the huge economic crisis or the hecatomb of unborn children that occurs every year. Please remember that 2016 is the year in which Poland will celebrate 1050 years of its sovereignty. I would like to indicate that it is much longer than the period of existence of the European Union – presumably also many times longer than the European Union will ever last. Therefore, I request you not to begin this year with a slap in the face of all Poles. I demand respect for Polish sovereignty and the tradition of democratic government that has existed in Poland for centuries. Katarzyna Mikułowska Warsaw, Poland |
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