PETYCJA „STOP PAŃSTWU WYZNANIOWEMU” - usunięcie art. 196 z kk w obronie wolności artystycznej i wolności słowa
I’m ******* AntichristianArlek Rodriguez (Roma, 2021-03-25)
I am a religious person and while I don’t always agree with the things artists do or say, I strongly believe that they should have the freedom to do themRyan Crofoot (Saratoga Springs, 2021-03-25)
Zgadzam się z petycją. Pragnę od bardzo dawna aby uregulowano tę kwestię i odłączono wiarę od państwa (od szkół i urzędów). Wiara niech zostanie w sferach duchowych i miejscach do tego wyznaczonych.Monika Pastwa (Bierówka, 2021-03-25)
I’m signing because religious overreach has been tolerated for far too long. Artists should be able to express themselves however and any way they choose.Michael Lewis (Hickory, 2021-03-25)
MAYBE someday Poland will emerge from the dark ages and be rid of ridiculous and antiquated laws like these pathetic laws surrounding politicians and religion. Best of luck Nergal!Chris Waddell (Fredericton, 2021-03-25)
Im an artist making blasphemous art.Kuba Jankowski (Koszalin, 2021-03-25)
artist not criminalAlexander Altman (Cottbus, 2021-03-25)
I believe religious material are not sacred to people who doesn't practice set religionNorhayati Eu (Singapore, 2021-03-26)
I believe this law shouldn’t existJonathan Finch (Niles, 2021-03-26)
freedom of expression is far more important and essential than any religious sentiment. all this religious tyranny harkens back to a time when you could be murdered for free expression. all freedom begins with free expression. attacks on free expression are attacks on the liberty of the individual and must be refused and resisted.istvan gorog (palm beach gardens, 2021-03-26)
I’m signing because I’m a Polish expat who cares about the fate of my countryBenek Aleksander Astrachan (New York City, 2021-03-26)
The church, and government should stay out of people’s personal beliefs. This is 2021, not 1721. I love Poland, but these types of rules are obscene and antiquated. Let Poland live in the now.Gregory Goudey (Seattle, 2021-03-26)
Freedom Of speechRemus Dinca (Timisoara, 2021-03-26)
Its good for society.Grzegorz Galas (Gliwice, 2021-03-26)
Religeon has no place in law. It is creating a miscarriage of justice many many times over.Rob Davie (York, 2021-03-26)
Satan is equality.Censorship is blasphemy.
Hail Freedom.
Shelly Webster (West Milford, 2021-03-26)
We can't stand music censorship anymoreKleri Gerakoudi (Thessaloniki, 2021-03-26)
Because of stupidity of polish lawPiotr Maciejczak (Bergen, 2021-03-26)
I support freedom of speech, regardless if I agree with the spoken contents or not.Krzysztof Sobolewski (Gdańsk, 2021-03-26)
Religious oppression must end, we live in the 21st century.Edward Carolfi (Milano, 2021-03-26)
nie może być tak że garstka nawiedzonych terroryzuje pozostałychPiotr Kusy (rawa maz, 2021-03-26)
I’d rather be the Devil than go creeping to the cross.Shane Boylan (Essex, 2021-03-26)
Catholic church is a bunch of bad people.Paul Bosek (Bottrop, 2021-03-26)
The ability to express thoughts and criticize ideas and beliefs is fundamental to freedom and progress for mankindIan Montgomery (Austin, 2021-03-26)
I want my country to be separated from the church. Simple as that.Bartosz Staszewski (Łódź, 2021-03-26)
No religious faith should be superior in any sense. The state free from religion should be the law, not the exception.jonatas Chagas (Porto Velho, 2021-03-26)
Religious fringe elements have far too much power in the US. Poland is probably worse. This needs to stop.Elizabeth Francois (Jemez Springs, 2021-03-26)
Wolność wygłaszania idei i poglądów to niezbywalne i naturalne prawo każdego człowieka. Ateiści mają równe prawo do wygłaszania i pokazywania swoich opinii na tematy religijne, co osoby wierzące.roman derlacz (dąbrowa chotomowska, 2021-03-26)
I want the law to change.Alicja Antoszewska (Gdynia, 2021-03-26)
Mam dość dyktatu kościoła, kołtuństwa,ciemnoty, średniowieczaDorota Grześków (Świniary 27,62-270klecko, 2021-03-26)
i believe in freedom of spechMiguel Rosas (Puebla, 2021-03-26)
Mam dośćJakub Smutek (Szczecin, 2021-03-26)
Fear of offending religious feelings chokes out artistic expression and creative freedom. The religion of one person should not restrict the freedom of another.Andrea Alfson (Great Falls, 2021-03-26)
Fuck the systemTaylor Marzoff (Kamloops, 2021-03-26)
The church and the religion has nothing to do with the State and the lawsGuido Parodi Zunino (Capital Federal, 2021-03-26)
I'm signing because it is a waste of time and money to prosecute artists for their work, especially when they are clearly being used to divert attention away from the real problems that the church and governments are trying to sweep under the rug.Karen Lees (Sydney, 2021-03-26)
I care deeply about freedom of expression and criticism.I wish you the best of luck in your fight against archaic, religion driven policies.
Jeff Francis (Austin, 2021-03-26)
Religions are the bane of societyAdelio Ciampanella (Morlupo, 2021-03-26)
I'm signing because a person's choices they in life should not be governed by religious beliefs.Jonathan Arguelles (Los Angeles, 2021-03-26)
Christianity, despite it’s claims as a just and moral religion is nothing of the sort. Christianity has been refuted time and time again my science, logic, and reason but it refuses to die off or update its theology to modern knowledge. Any religion that uses a person willing to commit unquestioned human sacrifice as their symbol of faith should have no power over anyone who doesn’t believe their absurd abhorrent beliefs. Their beliefs and god should be put on trial for their transgressions against humanity.Tyler Whalen (Bowling green, 2021-03-26)
I want progress, not ignorance and betrayal, questionable moral standards and impunity.Samuel Baeza (Tamiahua, 2021-03-26)
I don't believe in dogmatic beliefs/hierarchies that look to embalm the conscience mind, and or persecute those who don't follow their "God"Michael Thomas (Baker City Oregon, 2021-03-26)
Święte krowy są w Indiach.Marek Chojnacki (Głogów, 2021-03-26)
This is outrageous that the Dark Ages are still present in today's setting! You have artists & regular citizens being fined, arrested, & jailed over hurting religious feelings! Would you jail someone for hurting your feelings on Zeus? Thor? Odin? Amunet? Sobek? Ra? Kali? Shiva? NO! YOU WOULDN'T! Jesus doesn't exist & even if he did, he wouldn't care about people speaking their minds!Remove this article immediately! You take the taxes these artists pay & the money they bring into Poland HAPPILY, yet you shun them when they voice their opinions?
You shun the artist but not the paedophile priests raping your children? GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!
Chris Phosphorus (SAN ANTONIO, 2021-03-27)
Because bla blaaa blabla bla..Agung Prasetya (Surabaya, 2021-03-27)
I support the freedom of expression and Adam Nergal Darski for that combat.Patard Steve (Auchy-les-mines, 2021-03-27)
Podpisuję ponieważ jestem osobą niewierząca i oczekuję równego traktowania wszystkich obywateli.Bartosz Bertrandt (Warszawa, 2021-03-27)
Obraza uczuć religijnych czyli "bluźnierstwo" (osoba A mówi/robi coś co wedle osoby siedzącej (B) obraza jej ideologie (religie) lub nie traktuje jej poważnie.Brak szacunku i "obrażanie", ukazywanie prawdy o metodach działania i doktrynach religijnych jest obowiązkiem każdego obywatela i nie powinno być karane z urzędu.
Dominik Hendzel (Kraków, 2021-03-27)
It is wrong to fine or imprison someone for speaking their mind or expressing themselves. People should be free to do so.Raymond Lyons (Pierre, 2021-03-27)
Fuck Christianity!Buzaianu Daniel (Ploiesti, 2021-03-27)
This is so important for the artists and for a free meaningGunther Danz (Braunschweig, 2021-03-27)
I'm signing because Article 196 goes against my beliefs as a satanist. It is an exclusion of free thought and expression for those not religous.Preston Trower (Silverton, 2021-03-27)
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” Nelson MandelaMonika Manethova (Hradec Kralove, 2021-03-27)
Motivos filosóficos y Moralesjavier Garcia (madrid, 2021-03-27)
Uczucia tzw religijne są prywatną sprawą każdego człowieka!!Maria Pieczuro-Drzewiecka (Gniezno, 2021-03-28)
That's the way it should beDominik Roman (Dublin, 2021-03-28)
People should be able to do what they please if it offends you don't involve your self with that personStewart Millar (Glenrothes, 2021-03-28)