PETYCJA „STOP PAŃSTWU WYZNANIOWEMU” - usunięcie art. 196 z kk w obronie wolności artystycznej i wolności słowa
I'm signing because I believe in freedom of speech.Elisa Leporcq (Courrières, 2021-03-16)
Enough of medieval rules, religion is not a law, but set of beliefs (not mine obviously).Marek Gryboś (Wolbrom, 2021-03-16)
I want religion to be separated from the stateAleksandra Owsianka (Mapplewell, 2021-03-16)
I am not from Poland, but this shouldn't be the case in any country. This is senile tyranny, old childish dogma. What is the true evil here to be honest? Can't Catholic Poland see what they are doing to themselves? A religious state will never work, a thing from the past. Yes to secularity for Poland!Peder Rusdal (Bryne, 2021-03-16)
I'm signing because i want stop the censorshipAlessandro Montagna (Saludecio, 2021-03-16)
Ordo BlasphemiaJeffrey Shoff (Pontiac, 2021-03-16)
Religia jest pełna przemocy, nielogiczna, nietolerancyjna, nierozerwalnie złączona z takimi pojęciami jak rasizm, ustrój plemienny czy bigoteria; zakorzeniona w ignorancji i wrogo nastawiona do wszelkich prób poznawczych, pogardliwa wobec kobiet i narzucana dzieciom. (CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS)Karolina Kalicińska-Mendyk (Warszawa, 2021-03-16)
I support Freedom. We are born Free children of G-d. Not slaves to an Archaic backwards law of those in power who are not anymore perfect then we are. We are also called on to serve G-d Not the Church. Jesus freely spoke against the Sanhedrin and so did John the Baptist would you consider them Guilty of this law if they lived today? Would you throw them in Prison? Judge Not lest be Judged. Judgement is mine sayeth the Lord. End this law and give your people back to G-d. Amen.Randy Delaney (Winnipeg, 2021-03-16)
Its Time to stop this!Fredrik Gustafsson (Upplandsväsby, 2021-03-16)
Chce żeby artyści byli wolni of religii. Chcę dla Polski przyszłości, a nie przeszłości.Sweta Mahlau (Gdańsk, 2021-03-16)
Hail Satan.Conor McCaffrey (Plymouth, 2021-03-16)
I'm signing this because the religious institution should hold no power over those who are not a part of the said institution. All people have the right to their beliefs, but those beliefs should not hold sway politically or within the law. This is theocracy and must be put down.Jeremy Kleine Deters (Grand rapids, 2021-03-16)
Im signing because im against religion suppressing free thinking.Niklas Larsson (Huskvarna, 2021-03-16)
The time of religious perecution is overTor-Erik Røysi (Øvre Årdal, 2021-03-16)
We are not in the Dark Ages anymore.Ivan Kováč (Bački Petrovac, 2021-03-16)
Katolicka władza urządziła się w Polsce i czuje się tu jak pączek w maśle. W obrzydliwy sposób kryją się za dwulicowymi politykami z partii rządzącej, nienawidzącym każdego przejawu inności, wspieranymi przez inkwizycję Ordo Iuris. Czas powiedzieć DOŚĆ dla waszych rządów. Idźcie precz i nie wracajcie. Nie chcemy indoktrynacji katolickiej od maleńkości, won od odbierania praw kobietom i mniejszościom tak narodowym jaki seksualnym czy wyznaniowym.Marcin Szymkowiak (Puszczykowo, 2021-03-16)
Support freedom of speechPierre Högberg (Lidköping, 2021-03-16)
I’m signing this petition because of the laws I have left the country to live in proper democratic country where is a freedom of speechBartosz Turewicz (Bristol, 2021-03-16)
Support of religious freedomWilly Fernando (Palembang, 2021-03-16)
This article has no ******* sense.Wojciech Wieczorek (Warsaw, 2021-03-16)
This is not about religion. It`s about abuse and bending the rules in one's favor when they`re oFfEnDeD. And should be harshly punished in the 21st century. Laws are supposed to affect people, not fabled fairies of virgin wives gone wild 2000 years ago.Gaie Stefan (Baia Mare, 2021-03-16)
Seperation of church and state should be mandatory. The church has no right in making outdated laws.Erick Gonzalez (Orlando, 2021-03-16)
I wanted to.John Ross (Glasgow, 2021-03-16)
Freedom of speach!Patrik Jonsson (Ljungby, 2021-03-16)
It's a great petition. This campain is about freedom of speech and the freedom of arts which is brutally attacked by the church and its right winged and extremist friends.I can't believe that there are still countries in 2021 which don't live up to the modern standards, the people have been fighting for, for over decades and centuries.
And I really love Behemoth and Me and That Man. Would also love to talk to Nergal and drink a few coffees with him
Robin Seemann (Teterow, 2021-03-16)
Podpisuje, bo nie wierzę w boga.Krystian Kwiatkowski (Crewe, 2021-03-16)
Religions are cancerMikko Ojala (Tampere, 2021-03-16)
Chce żyć w normalnym, świeckim i laickim kraju.Leszek Winiarek (Warszawa, 2021-03-16)
Black to the blind....Mariusz Misztela (Piotrków Trybunalski, 2021-03-16)
Everyone should have the freedom to express their beliefs through their art, and should be free from persecution. These laws are very outdated and do not reflect the tolerance found in the rest of the western world.Simon Brown (Edinburgh, 2021-03-16)
Freedom!Ewelina Kunysz (Crewe, 2021-03-16)
Poziom rozpasania i bezkarności KK w Polsce jest wręcz nierealny. Ponadto każda osoba sprzeciwiająca się tej zbrodniczej organizacji narażona jest na konsekwencje prawne wynikające z archaicznego i abstrakcyjnego prawa. W rzeczywistości jest to ostatni i chyba jedyny sposób w jaki fundamentaliści religijni potrafią odpierać bardziej lub mniej bezpośrednią krytykę ich szaleństwa. Zresztą wystarczy spojrzeć na kraje islamskie, żeby jednoznacznie stwierdzić do ilu ludzkich tragedii takie prawo dopuściło.Andrzej Podsiadło (Czeladź, 2021-03-16)
It is time to separate state from religion once and for all. Poland is setting bad example for the brainwashed folks in other countries, for example, Latvia. Let's end this.Kaija Ozola (Liepāja, 2021-03-16)
Religion sucks assMarvin Dimitrov (Karlsruhe, 2021-03-16)
Freedom of religion is needed and will be needed in the future when dominant religions start to fall and are scared they can’t represent themselves for what they believe. Just because you have the power now doesn’t mean you’ll get to keep it forever and this is when you will want freedom of religion. You’ll want it to protect what you believe.Justin M Trotter (Midlothian, 2021-03-16)
Religion is a curse upon this earthPep De Rooij (Gouda, 2021-03-16)
Because it is unbelievable that in 2021 whole countries are still commanded by religious laws and fanatics.Eleonora Di Bilio (Rugby, 2021-03-16)
If any religion/philosophy/political ideology is "protected" from criticism, it means it is part of a mental dictatorship.Even if you don't agree with people, you should respect their right to disagree and even mock your beliefs!
Tamas Egyed (Florești, 2021-03-16)
Poland cannot be medieval.Giacomo Gattoni (Barcelona, 2021-03-16)
i agree totally with this.danny butler (hitchin, 2021-03-16)
I'm signing because I want Poland free from this religious absurd and hypocrisy.Łucja Winiarek (Garwolin, 2021-03-16)
Religion should be separated from the statePeter Ciszak (London, 2021-03-16)
I'm signing because religion should never interfere with laws. It limits people in their expression, both artistic as well as personal. On a personal level I think religion prevents people to think for theirselves and limits their development as a person. Laws should not encourage that.Wouter Hermanns (Purmerend, 2021-03-16)
There is no place for any religion in public space. I am against church indoctrination.Bartosz Brożek (Tarnów, 2021-03-16)
Im doing it because i want religious people to stoo being so strict about everything.So much love to you people and i love behemoth 🤘 one of your fans from IRAN 🇮🇷
Arshia Eliasy (Tehran, 2021-03-16)
I don't have religion countryWojciech Cz (Gliwice, 2021-03-16)
For too long, Christianity has oppressed the people around it. For too long, we have all been told what to believe and how to express our views on life. And let me be called a Satanist after such statements, but I will not change my point of view until the law on "insulting the feelings of atheists" is passed.Nikita Yatsenko (Grodno, 2021-03-16)
I support Nergal HailMario Steijvers (Sittard, 2021-03-16)
No state should be dependent to religion in any kind.Daniel Schäble (Karlsruhe, 2021-03-16)
Fuck religion and religious statesJoe Rm (Fairbanks, Alaska, 2021-03-16)
Similar situation in Slovakia. Despite the fact that Slovakia is not bound to any religion (defined in the constitution), catholic church is forcing its beliefs and dogmas in so many levels in society, law making and politics.Radovan Jurek (Bratislava, 2021-03-16)
Wspieram ruchy wyrzucenia religii z przestrzeni publicznej.Roman Romanski (Andrychów, 2021-03-16)
In support of Freedom of Expression.Yintzé Murray (Cape Town, 2021-03-16)
The laws must follow the times we are in. Slavery was legal too, but this doesn't mean it's ok now!Alexandra Gavrila (Budapest, 2021-03-16)
Religion is a joke. And it’s the 20th century. Wake up and smell the coffee.Chad ODell (Dryden, 2021-03-16)
Freedom of expretion is an human rigth, and the punishment with the companion of repression only Will be the kreator of hate against the religius worldAlexi Sanchez Cazares (Mexico, 2021-03-16)
I am disgusted by all the injustice and oppression that is happening in Poland at the hands of religious fanaticsKacper Suchora (Lublin, 2021-03-16)