PETYCJA „STOP PAŃSTWU WYZNANIOWEMU” - usunięcie art. 196 z kk w obronie wolności artystycznej i wolności słowa



Nergal's claims are absolutely true, aligned with human civilization and intelligence. It is a shame on human race that in XXI century, having all that knowledge about the world people still believe in fairy tales, follow 2 thousand years-old outdated rules and worst thing: they want to enforce those rules on others. Unacceptable.

Paweł Dobrzański (Gdynia, 2021-04-14)


I sign, because religion Is disgusting shit, which is stealing our freedom, shading people's minds, makes us fights each other, and fills pockets of black useless parasites . It's a next step to help our small world and make people develop.

Arkadiusz Chodorowski (GDAŃSK, 2021-04-14)



Tolga Saruç (İzmir, 2021-04-14)


Pelna zgoda

Alina Krawiec (Kożuchów, 2021-04-14)


I'm not ivolved in any religion so I don't want to have those rules in the law in my country.

Marta Krajewska (Warszawa, 2021-04-14)


I support Adam Darski, because I want to live in country which is free of religious fundamentalists

Agnieszka Malinowska (Warszawa, 2021-04-14)


I'm not catholic and I believe that you cannot offend such a thing as religious feelings

Przemysław Jas (Warszawa, 2021-04-14)


My country reigns with religious bias, and it harms our citizens, but it's not nearly to the level of fascist force that my Polish brethren experience. Anything I can do to offer my support is the least that I can do.

Coyote Delgado (SANFORD, 2021-04-14)


I believe in the cause

Konsta Laakso (Tampere, 2021-04-14)


Im signing because religious feelings should not be made into laws

Geneviève Gagné (Montreal, 2021-04-14)


These outdated laws need to be abolished. If such actions hurt a god’s feelings, let them deal with it. They need not you to speak for them.

Joe Hanlon (GUELPH, 2021-04-14)


Czas skonczyc z Panstwem wyznaniowym, kazdy ma prawo do wlasnych pogladow.

Michal Nitkiewicz (Wakefield, 2021-04-14)


Uczuć nie można obrazić...



Hail to the wise people!

Adaś Dimebag (Bergen, 2021-04-14)


Tak zwana "obraza uczuć religijnych" obraża mój intelekt.

Ryszard Laskowski (Kraków, 2021-04-14)


If your religious sensibilities are so fragile, they should not be law.

Xero Null (Russellville, 2021-04-14)


I'm signing because every religion is fake

Karol Kosowski (Toruń, 2021-04-14)


Freedom of speech is far greater than any alleged insulting of religious feelings. Church and state should be, and remain, separate.

Theo Talboom (Breda, 2021-04-14)


As a elected representative in a city council in germany, I dare the f***ed up catholic gouvernment in poland to withdraw the law that penalties blasphemies against fantasy friends.

Look around. You lost every crusade.

Ave Satanas!

Sebastian Schroer (Oer-Erkenschwick, 2021-04-14)


Super. Pozdro.

Bart Mazurczak (Woking, 2021-04-14)


This law is bullshit.

Liam Gloster (Colchester, 2021-04-14)


Time to change Poland and time to put these perverse behind the bars. We have to split citizen rules from church rules. There is no place for the mindset of the dark age.

Damian Marks (Irving, 2021-04-14)


We should all have the freedom to hate on anything.

Mirie Avila Martinez (Mexico City, 2021-04-14)


Chcę aby Polska była państwem świeckim, bez konkordatu i wpływu jakiegokolwiek kościoła.

Marcin Witkowski (Kingston upon Thames, 2021-04-14)


God is created in the image of men, not the other way around.

Stig Jørgensen (Sortland, 2021-04-14)


Mam dość kościoła katolickiego i ordo iuris

Izabela Wyszyńska (Czarna Białostocka, 2021-04-14)


Atheists, not interested in any bullshit. Peace ✌️

Katarzyna Jaroszewska (Poznań, 2021-04-14)


I'm signing because I believe in religious freedom, I do not believe it should cross the boundaries of free speech. Each to their own.

You cannot infringe on peoples rights to speak because someone else has chosen to believe a specific way.

One rule for all.

Caroline Blacklock (Dublin, 2021-04-14)


Freedom from religion should be fundamental in XXI century. Not being able to express own vision of anything because of alleged "blasphemy" is blamable in civilized world and should be left deep back in medieval times. Let the people be people, not birds in cage.

Dawid Ostapczuk (Carrickmore, 2021-04-14)


No one should oppress others for being themselves. It is not the 15th century and religious beliefs should never run a country or laws.

Anthony Yeomans (Derby, 2021-04-14)


Dosyć już szantażowania wszystkich dookoła przez katolików i dosyć hamowania rozwoju sztuki przez cenzurę katolicką!

Katarzyna Hołda (Lublin, 2021-04-14)


Wolność zaczyna się tam, gdzie kończy się religia.

Mateusz Markiewicz (Elbląg, 2021-04-14)



Haris Pendić (Mostar, 2021-04-14)


Fuck religion !

Charles-Olivier Bouchard (Contrecoeur, 2021-04-14)


We must do anything to protect freedom of artistic expression, and freedom in general. Once taken away, it will be extremely difficult to gain back.

Karolina Skonieczna (Oxford, 2021-04-14)


Because it’s a right thing to do. Punishing an artist because someone’s feelings were hurt? My feelings are hurt every time I hear about religion at school. GTFOH!

Joanna Krakowska (Nantucket, 2021-04-14)


Mam dość chorego reżimu kościoła i partii pewnego karła z kotem

Bartosz Trela (Boguchwała, 2021-04-14)


Cyvil rights!!! My belly, my bedroom - MY LIFE.
***** ***

Justyna Rdesińska (Slupca, 2021-04-14)


Bo wqrwia mnie ten katolicki kraj i dlatego z niego wyjechałem

Daniel Karkocha (Ts 2, 2021-04-15)



Sanna Solanterä (Helsinki, 2021-04-15)


Am Agree with MR. ADAM DARSKI

Karol Skulimowski (Cardiff, 2021-04-15)


I agree that the absurd and archaic laws of the church must end

Justin Fricke (Centralia, 2021-04-15)


Jestem Apostatą i chce żyć w świeckim państwie. Chcę opodatkowania kleru na wszelki możliwy sposób.

Sławomir Wiercioch (Skierniewice, 2021-04-15)


Religion makes borders

Lukasz Bobrowski (London, 2021-04-15)


Nie chcę żyć z państwie wyznaniowym!

Artur Szabelski (Lublin, 2021-04-15)

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