Petycja w sprawie uwolnienia Kapitana Andrzeja Lasoty przetrzymywanego w Meksyku



I want to demonstrate my solidarity with my fraternity of Ship Masters. This sort of criminilisation must stop! Seafarers are innocent bystanders who often get sucked into the situation simply because his ship is somehow involved. And being in a foreigh country, he is left at the mercy of the local regime without any recourse.

Himadri Ghosh (Singapore, 2019-11-28)


Podpisuje poniewaz uwazam ze kapitan powinien byc zwolniony.

Michał Głowiński (Łask, 2019-11-28)


I am a seaferer.

Greg Lacerna (manila, 2019-11-28)


Return man home!

Nikolai Kopkov (Kaliningrad , 2019-11-28)


Im signing because, i know he is innocent.

Joselito Murallo (Manila, 2019-11-28)


Cpt Lasota has not done anything criminal. He is being held wrongly

Vera Holtgraefe (Herne , 2019-11-28)


Wierze, że kapitan jest niewinny i jest niesłusznie przetrzymywany w więzieniu.

Grzegorz Walczyk (Reda, 2019-11-28)


Jestem kapitanem statku i wiem jak niesprawiedliwie i haniebnie traktowany jest Kapitan Lasota

Leszek Cielemęcki (Gdynia, 2019-11-28)



Marcin Nogalski (Chelmno, 2019-11-28)


Polskie Państwo musi pomagać Rodakom w trudnych sytuacjach

Aneta Klusek (Helmond, 2019-11-28)



Stan Santiago (Makati City, 2019-11-28)


Chcę pomóc kapit. Lasocie.

Maria Skrzyńska-Paszkowicz (Gdańsk, 2019-11-28)


Bezpodśtawne zarzuty

Dorota Lage (Warszawa , 2019-11-28)


In line with this, I do believe that Capt Lasota is also innocent from any allegations.. I have worked with him and I can say how effectively and efficiently he was as our Superior..He was also considerate and just in dealing with his crew.. That is why he gained my respect.. Aside from that, his age and health condition needs more assistance and care from his family.. That is enough reason for me to believe and hope that he should be sent home and be re-united with his loved ones because he really deserve it.

Christie Ian Espanola (Aklan, 2019-11-28)


Because capt. Lasota he need a rest and go home to celebrate christamsss with his family.

ARIEL VILLACERAN (Cebu, 2019-11-28)


Koniecznie powinny włączyć się władze Polski z pomocą!

Zefiryna Murawska (Zielona Góra , 2019-11-28)


To justify his an innocent of the said accusation

Jayfferson Molina (Samal, 2019-11-28)


The good Captain of MV UBC Savannah like all of the seafaring people around the world deserve to be home for the holidays..

Don laurence De manuel (Manila, 2019-11-28)


Polak, kapitan, człowiek morza potrzebuje pomocy i wsparcia.

Jan Ulatowski (Mosty, 2019-11-28)


Podpisuję, ponieważ Polak za granicą potrzebuje pomocy polskich władz.

Marek Łukasiewiz (Kraków, 2019-11-28)


Bo chce!

Weronika Szmyt (Speyer, 2019-11-28)



Magdalena Drąszkowska (Łubianka, 2019-11-28)


To skandal by tak traktowac ludzi ktorzy zglosili przestepstwo.

Kapitan Robert Szydlowski

Robert Szydlowski (Gdynia, 2019-11-28)






Agnieszka Wróbel (Unisław, 2019-11-28)


Volha Zhuk

Volha Zhuk (Warszawa , 2019-11-28)


Nie wierzę w wine kpt lasoty.

Maciej Bohdanowicz (Bydgoszcz , 2019-11-28)


Sprawa musi zostać wyjaśniona.

Anna Połap (Katowice , 2019-11-28)


Piotr Wróbel

Piotr Wróbel (Unisław, 2019-11-28)


Piotr Wróbel

Piotr Wróbel (Unisław, 2019-11-28)


He is innocent and has to be released!

Sina Godau (Oldenburg , 2019-11-28)


Pan Andrzej jest niewinny. Pozwólcie mu wrócić do domu, do rodziny!

Karina Paradowska (Pawłowice , 2019-11-28)