PETYCJA „STOP PAŃSTWU WYZNANIOWEMU” - usunięcie art. 196 z kk w obronie wolności artystycznej i wolności słowa
Poland has been in this weird state where religion is more important than human rights and the freedom of speech. We have to end this, and show to polish Catholics that they are not the most righteous and the purest. Ora pro nobis Lucifer!Rafał Rybak (Wrocław, 2021-04-15)
I wish my home country was independent from religion and politics and religion were two separate matters.Natalia Kędzior (Caerphilly, 2021-04-15)
This is very importantMonika Zubrzycka (Tychy, 2021-04-15)
I don't like kk.Tomasz Karpiński (Rzeszów, 2021-04-15)
I give my signature to show my support to all artists who today cannot express their art in freedom, and to express my disgust at the exercise of religious power through the state and the law.Jann Svensen Aasebø (Stavanger, 2021-04-15)
I believe it is the right for any artist of any caliber to express themselves how they see fit.Geovani Solano (Dallas, 2021-04-15)
I'm signing this petition because, despite being anti-christian, I hold peoples right to religious liberty and freedom of expression in the utmost of regard. Furthermore I believe that any state sponsored form of religious oppression be it from the government or the church is a grotesque infringement of peoples rights and should be abolished at every opportunity.Alex Lundin (Bemidji, 2021-04-15)
Apoyo la causaCarlos Isaac Sánchez Ramírez (Guadalajara, 2021-04-15)
Chcę, żeby było przestrzegane prawo"Władze publiczne w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej zachowują bezstronność w sprawach przekonań religijnych, światopoglądowych i filozoficznych, zapewniając swobodę wyrażania ich w życiu publicznym” (art. 25 ust. 2)"
Katarzyna Maj (Radom, 2021-04-15)
The church or mosque (and for that matter every kind of religious teaching/books/rights or whatever) taught us throughout history that it all has the do with power and oppression of the human kind in every skin colour.This has to stop because it serves no other meaning then earning money from the lesser human race who get’s indoctrinated by these stupid so called written laws.
It’s nothing more then a fairytale to scare children.
The church claims that we are “children of g*d” and therefore we are frightened and pray (read PAY) for our sins.
That is the clou of these fairytale books.
Jeroen Slager (Alkmaar, 2021-04-15)
Art. 196 kk jest w Polsce niczym innym, jak narzędziem politycznej represji i nie ma nic wspólnego z ochroną wolności wyznania. Przepis jest absurdalny i niezgodny z zasadami państwa świeckiego.Agnieszka Binasik (Katowice, 2021-04-15)
I believe in freedom and freedom of speech. You can follow whatever you want to believe. No state or administration has a right to prohibit this.Matthias Winges (Frankfurt am Main, 2021-04-15)
Every Woman have the rights to do what she wants to do with her bodyPhilipp Kramer (Borken, 2021-04-15)
I'm sick of this shitPaweł Giertler (Warszawa, 2021-04-15)
Religion is the real virus in this world, it has too much influence on what a person should do or say.. it is the biggest cult ever known yet people are blinded by its "laws" and false teachings.Artists, performers, hell even the normal working man like myself should not be penalised for freedom of speech and expression in a new age, where ideas and thoughts that were once considered punishable by death, are now being understood and accepted and even celebrated (I'm looking at you LGBT).
I sign this petition with pride and hope that a normal working mans input, helps the bigger picture toward a better future of freedom and expression
Marc Burns (Dudley, 2021-04-15)
I believe that freedom of expression in any of its artistic forms should be free and uncensored throughout the world.Momus Androgino (Mérida, 2021-04-15)
Podpisuję pod tym, ponieważ każdy ma prawo do wiary w to co chce a kościół katolicki ingeruje w wiele rzeczy w które nie powinien i piętnuje ludzi, którzy np. Ateistów. Takie jest moje zdanie.Łukasz Bąk (Wrocław, 2021-04-15)
Artykuł 196 KK jest obecnie wykorzystywany w obronie tylko jednej religii, nie są brane pod uwagę uczucia innych osób. Brak jest szacunku do osób o poglądach ateistycznych. Brak równości, prowadzi do podziałów społecznychIzabela Wajda (Borne Sulinowo, 2021-04-15)
Religia jest złem!Roksana Szuszkiewicz (Manchester, 2021-04-15)
Świeckie PaństwoMarcin Trawinski (Gdansk, 2021-04-15)
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”― Voltaire, Questions sur les Miracles à M. Claparede, Professeur de Théologie à Genève, par un Proposant: Ou Extrait de Diverses Lettres de M. de Voltaire
Gerrit Mesker (HAARLEM, 2021-04-15)
Jestem ateistką.Natalia Płuciennik (Nadarzyn, 2021-04-15)
Stop katofaszyzmowiKarol Krawczyk (Toruń, 2021-04-15)
hail satanelisa vidaurre (santiago, 2021-04-15)
I support it in one hundred percentMateusz Grzelak (Łęczna, 2021-04-15)
I believe in free speech, and to be sued something this small is unbelivably ridiculous. The laws are also very dated. Freedom of speech is my number one cause!Erik Svels (Vörå, 2021-04-15)
Paweł WidutoPaweł Widuto (Góra Kalwaria, 2021-04-15)
I believe in peoples write freedom of expression, especially for artists.Hail Satan 🤘
charlie McNee (Northampton, 2021-04-15)
its sick that in poland religion is the basis for lawmaking. im all with youZuzanna Bakalarczyk (Nowogard, 2021-04-15)
It's vital to me to live in a non-religious country.Kamil Załuski (Lublin, 2021-04-15)
I'm signing because I'm in favour of artistic freedom and against any religion interfering with the state.Ula Nikchen (Legionowo, 2021-04-15)
Bo to słuszne i tak trzeba.Andrzej Gałczyński (Warszawa, 2021-04-15)
I'm signing here because I believe in what Nergal is trying to accomplish and it's time to stop this psuedo-religious hypocrisy in its tracks.Travis Fifer (Bridgewater, 2021-04-15)
I believe there's no room for religious nonsense in a modern, democratic country.Bart Blazejewski (Bristol, 2021-04-15)
Because people should have the right to believe in what they want to believe in!Marcelo Mastrangelo (Mansfield, 2021-04-15)
People should be free to express their beliefs without fear of persecution from their government.Jeff Davis (Newcastle, 2021-04-15)
Polish church is evil.Adam Bobik (Wrocław, 2021-04-15)
Tylko świeckie państwo! Wolność, równość, demokracja!Agnieszka Szopa (Chrzanów, 2021-04-15)
freedom of speech and opposition to radicalismMarek Kaleta (Warsaw, 2021-04-15)
Jestem za odłączeniem kościoła od Państwa.Gosia Frąckowiak (Gdynia, 2021-04-15)
ponieważ państwo powinno być świeckieMariusz Jachimczak (Kraków, 2021-04-15)
Bo mam kurewa dosc kosciolow, klechow, hipokryzji, politycznych zwiazkow z koscielnymi, zamiatania koscielnej pedofilii pod dywanik, religii w szkolach, nadajacej tempo i rozklad zajec, pierdolenia, ze moj bog jest lepszy niz twoj, sponsorowania milionami z podatkow szemranych biznesow klechow, tluszczu buty i chamstwa klechow. Obzarstwa, opijstwa na koszt "wiernych". Dosc mam pierdolenia sredniowiecznych dyrdymalow, szukania sladow szatana w kazdym/dej o innych pogladach/wygladzie. Dosc mam kurewa straszenia i pouczania. Dosc mam widoku polglowkow i debili w sutannach, pierdolacych trzy po trzy. Dziekuje, to pisalam ja Barbara NowikBarbara Nowik (Irthlingborough, 2021-04-15)
Couse I want toArkadiusz Wojtowicz (Kazimierz, 2021-04-15)