Petycja w sprawie uwolnienia Kapitana Andrzeja Lasoty przetrzymywanego w Meksyku



I am sick and tired of authorities blaming ship staff for events beyond their control. With massive vessels and minimum crewing it’s impossible for crew to monitor loading/discharging completely

Terence Burke (Dublin , 2019-11-29)


i believe captain lasota is not guilty and he dont deserved in prison.

Denz Arguelles (iloilo, 2019-11-29)


I believe his innocent

Mc Eric Olaer (Manila, 2019-11-29)


Hes a good captain

Ric Sonza (Malabon city, 2019-11-29)


Hard-working seafarers who perform a valuable social duty and run a complex supply chain across the globe must not be subject to such harassment.
What kind of message are we sending out to the future generation of seafarers?
The international Shipping community must take cognizance of this and get justice to Captain Lasota.

Anindya Dasgupta (Mumbai, 2019-11-29)


I believe Capt Lazota is innocent.

Gerry Huang (Manila, 2019-11-29)


Podpisuje ponieważ wierzę w niewinność Kapitana

Justyna Anna Warchol (Reda, 2019-11-29)


To support innocent

loïc Briand (Saint Cast, 2019-11-29)


I’am signing as l believe that it seems that again these seamen and Master are hostage of corrupt organisations or government.
Captain M Filliard

Filliard Marc (Nantes, 2019-11-29)


I too, am a Master Mariner, and understand the shameful treatment, and denial of due process, Captain Rusinek has been subjected too.

Michael Shanley (Marshfield, 2019-11-29)


It appears that the detention of the captain as well as that of his released crew, is too much of an injustice , and that they had not done anything that warrants such treatment.

David John Wilson-Roberts (Berriedale, 2019-11-29)


Sam jestem marynarzem i się solidaryzuje z kolegą (niewinnym)

Leszek Lawrenc (Wykosowo , 2019-11-29)


Please Release Captain Kuba!

R Barreto-Kuhlbrodt (Kingston Upon Thames, 2019-11-29)


I believe he is innocent.

Ryan Gabay (Batangas City, 2019-11-29)


Seafarers shouldn't be treated as criminal, until proven guilty.

Frederic HARDY (Le Havre, 2019-11-29)


Based on facts stated this is a massive miscarriage of justice
Ships crew who go about their legal business should not have to do so under the constant fear of criminalization.

John Dalziel (Dartmouth, 2019-11-29)


I am Master Mariner as well working on Tankers. I feel with Captain Lasota and his family. We as Seamen do not have any chance to avoid drug trafficking with the small amount of crewmember, short time of portstay with all the stress within the turnaround and the size of vessel and amount of cargos nowadays.

André Borresch (Singhofen , 2019-11-29)


There appears to be no sign of due process. Don't make the Captain be the scapegoat for obvious corruption at higher levels.

Juan Mendoza (Hollywood, 2019-11-29)


Wolność dla kapitana

Rafał Wiszczuk (Trzebnica, 2019-11-29)


Tego wymaga sprawiedliwość i uczciwość.

Mirela Romanowska (Szczecin , 2019-11-29)


It is a disgrace that corrupt governments detain honest seafarers to cover up their inadequacies.

Kieran Shanahan (Westmount, QC, 2019-11-29)


I want to support my seamen colleagues, to ensure they will get fair treatment and support their release.

Katranzhy Denys (Odessa, 2019-11-29)


Jestem kapitanem i też mnie to może kiedyś spotkać.

Marcin Warchoł (Reda, 2019-11-29)


To support his release and for the sake of the others who might be in that position in the future.

Maciej Grochowina (Kruszyn, 2019-11-29)


Uważam ze jest niewinny na podstawie dowodow i zdrowego rozsądku.

Paweł Dunajski (Toruń, 2019-11-29)


Every person shall have an access to fair trial.

Ilja Kondratjuks (Onchan, 2019-11-29)


I was a master myself.

Reyn Meister (Almere, 2019-11-29)


As an ex seafarer and Captain myself, I cannot comprehend why Capt. Lasota is being treated worse than a common criminal. Would you imprison the President of Mexico if drugs were found somewhere in Mexico??

Vikram Sharma (Gurgaon, 2019-11-29)


I am myself a seafarer i very well know the sacrifices & harshness we experience in our work environment. In spite of reporting & doing the right thing troubling the ship's Master & Crew like this is very unprofessional of the officials instead of finding the root cause of the problem they are just finding some innocent person 7 putting the blame on him. This not only wrong but setting up doubts weather to report or not if such incidents happen in future.

Divya Prasad Thirumurugan (New York, 2019-11-29)


Captain deserves fair treatment.

Adam Koziarski (Gothenburg , 2019-11-29)


I consider that an injustice is being committed by arresting the master and his crew for a drug they observed to be hidden on the ship's holds inside of a coal bulk cargo they did not loaded, and reported in due time to the local authorities before it was discharge.

Pedro J Monque B (Puerto Ordaz, 2019-11-29)


As a Master of South America going vessels

Jean-Pierre MOLINEUS (Marseille, 2019-11-29)


Solidarni z Andrzejem

Krzysztof Szynkarczuk (Gdynia, 2019-11-29)


crew should not be prosecuted in this case in special as they reported the case. Even they do not now who is using their vessel for transport of the drugs. If found on the street , the wiper of the street will be prosecuted?

Ioan Cristian (Constanta, 2019-11-29)


A travesty, holding this man

Dennis Woodriff (Charlottesville, 2019-11-29)


Any Master of seagoing vessel could be in the same situation. This is a deep concern for each of us.

Fabien HEBERT (Vannes, 2019-11-29)


I'm signing because I am a mariner concerned about injustice to all mariners. Arresting the people who notified the authorities. Ridiculous.

Harry Finnegan (Villas NJ, 2019-11-29)


This is unfair criminalization of an innocent Seafarer going about his business.

Dick Welsh (Isle of Man, 2019-11-29)


Slow justice is no justice.

Charles Scarlett (Edwardsville , 2019-11-29)


Jestem również marynarzem

Łukasz Krupiński (Brzeg, 2019-11-29)


Whit the hope of fast release of all detained!

Stanislav Karagyaurov (Varna , 2019-11-29)


Es inocente, siguió protocolos

Ismael Mendoza (Lázaro Cárdenas , 2019-11-29)