Petycja w sprawie uwolnienia Kapitana Andrzeja Lasoty przetrzymywanego w Meksyku



The crew would have had no knowledge of the contents on the packages being carried as freight.

Lorna Cameron (Myrtle Creek, 2019-11-29)


I'm a seafarer.

Ankit Sharma (Dehradun, 2019-11-29)


człowiek potrzebuje pomocy

Malwina Szczepkowska (Szczecin, 2019-11-29)


I am also a Captain and understand the pain of present work scope.

Mohammed Siddique (Chittagong, 2019-11-29)


Come on! Many of us are fascinated by the Mexican Cultural origins but cannot recommend tourists and friends ever again if these acts against good law abiding and Respectful people continue! whatever happened to the warm humanity of Latin people ?

Marianne Latinis (JHB, 2019-11-29)


I am signing because this is just not right! I am an ex Captain and believe we shall be threated right!

Svetoslav Todorov (Antwerpen, 2019-11-29)


Wierze że jest niewinny

Radek Mleko (Bydgoszcz, 2019-11-29)


I'm signing because Government's do not give enough consideration to the contribution that seafarers make to their countries and, in addition, flouting the rule of law.

Roger Storey (Haywards Heath, 2019-11-29)


Gromyko podpisuje

Anna Gromyko (Gdynia, 2019-11-29)


Seamen are most suffering community. Please always take care of this professional community.

Muhammad Bilal Afridi (Peshawar, 2019-11-29)


Turning a decent Captain, who acted in accordance with International Regulations into a suspect criminal is unacceptable.
Every source of pressure from officials from Capt. Lasotas home country and the flag state thould be utilized.

Helle Andsbjerg (Ribe, 2019-11-29)


It is injustice to mariner.

Santu Barua (Dhaka, 2019-11-29)


I am a Retired Master United we all stand ✊🏹

Joseph Williams (Port of Spain , 2019-11-29)


I believe in justice for a person who is innocent

hugh sinclair (campbeltown, 2019-11-29)


Master cannot be held responsible for this occurrenc. This is not possible for the Master to monitor cargo operation for a long time. So, why has Master been arrested?

Capt. Mamun Morshed (Dhaka , 2019-11-29)


I'm signing because I work for a shipowner which trades in the same region. There can be no blame here for the Master. Firstly a full, extensive search was carried out before sailing from Colombia. Then, when the drugs were found the Master immediately reportzed to the Mexican authorities. He took all of the correct steps. It is inhumane to hold him even for 1 day more.

terry henderson (lugano, 2019-11-29)


I'm signing because he is my fellow seafarers that the only aims is to work and to provided needs of his family and he is just a victim of drugs cartel.

Rafael Jardeliza (Davao, 2019-11-29)


criminalisation of seafarers must be addressed and prevented forthwith

ashok sharma (singapore, 2019-11-29)


Lech Sarzyński

Lech Sarzyński (Oleśnica, 2019-11-29)


Captain Lasota cannot be punished for someone else crimes.

Robert Michalski (Gdynia, 2019-11-29)


I am a Master Mariner, and find Capt. Andrzej Lasota has taken proper actions upon noting unidentified object on board, in line with ISPS code. There can be no legal ground to accuse or hold him in custody for any responsibility for unidentified objects found on board, as it is already assumed by ISPS, that such is possible and thus is beyond the scope of the Master to know in advance.

Saptarsi Mondal (Aracruz, 2019-11-29)


Jestem mieszkanką Solca i bardzo bym chciał aby Pan Lasota był z rodziną w domu.
Panie prezydencie proszę o pomoc

Agnieszka Maciąg (Solec Kujawski , 2019-11-29)


Free the Captain Lasota now !!!!

Salvatore Mangraviti (Colwyn Bay, 2019-11-29)


Stop blaming ship staff for everything. We are sailors not criminals.

Faizaan Badar (Dehradun, 2019-11-29)


I am also a seafarer. We are earning our bread and butter honestly delivering goods through various countries day in day out.
Still we are convicted for such crimes in which are not in our control. We are honest people not drug dealers. Seafarers are the most neglected profession and no one identify how seafarers play a vital role in running the economy of the world. We sacrifice our precious moment with family to work at sea still we are treated and falsely accused of such heinous crimes.

Mayank Farshwan (Dehradun, 2019-11-29)


Wierzę w jego niewinność.

Zbigniew Witbrot (Gdynia, 2019-11-29)


The evidence presented in the petition, that I have reviewed, support that the Master and the crew acted diligently, reported promptly the findings to the local authorities and prevented the illegal substances to be distributed further within the country and society.

Ivan Todorov (Singapore, 2019-11-30)


A shame Mexican ppl.

Gustavo Patiño (Cartagena , 2019-11-30)


I believe that all crew are innocent.

Minn Thaik (Yangon , 2019-11-30)


We had such a case in NZ 40 years ago. When the matter came to trial, the judge rightly condemned the arrest of the Captain stating that it would be impossible to stop somebody from hiding something on a ship. Would any sensible person arrest a train driver if a passenger was found with drugs, NO. Let him go.

Christopher Barradale (Auckland, 2019-11-30)


Master Lasotahad no knowledge of the drugs hidden in his vessel, and reported their presence to authorities.

William Clerke (Peachtree City, 2019-11-30)


I am Signing this petition, because the incidence is a cruelty against an innocent seafarer, and the Master needs to be released.

Gunjan Kulshrestha (Lucknow, 2019-11-30)


He’s not at fault.

Yohannes Tesfay (Addis Ababa, 2019-11-30)


I'm signing because there is no basis for imprisoning the Master; he should be released forthwith.

Adrian Hilaire (Castries , 2019-11-30)


I am a master mariner. A person educated by Captain Lasota.

Mariusz Król (Łobez, 2019-11-30)


Capt. Should be released.

Samson Walshson (Tuticorin, 2019-11-30)


As a professional mariner, this effects me directly.

Jack Butler (Delray Beach, 2019-11-30)


He deserves to be free and to be with his family. He's a good captain as well.

Rolan Sheane Rosales (Philippines , 2019-11-30)


I am signing this petition because he is innocent...

Capt. Shreekant Tyagi (Greater Niida, 2019-11-30)


For so many years I have been traveling around our globe visiting vessels working as UBC Savannah. I’m truly convinced this situation shall be solved asap on highest political levels as the most important part of vessel is crew. Master’s of UBC Savannah deserves to be taken out from custody. Even if he is guilty he shall be judged as Polish EU Citizen in Poland. Countries as Mexico, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras are not proper place. I strongly recommend to put maximum efforts and help our seafarer as much as possible. Panie Kapitanie proszę się trzymać. !!!

Marcin Żurek (Gdynia, 2019-11-30)


i’m seaman.

duoc tran (hai phong, 2019-11-30)


Wiem jak łatwo znależć winnego w tamtych rejonach świata , wiem też co przeżywa rodzina

Elżbieta Szymańska (Węgorzewo Koszalińskie, 2019-11-30)


Jestem również kapitanem, pływałem w tamtym rejonie i znam tamtejsze realia. Praca jest bardzo ciężka. Skorumpowane służby takiego kraju robią pokazówkę nie biorąc pod uwagę czy kapitan jest winny czy nie.

Ryszard Szymański (Węgorzewo Koszalińskie 70A, 2019-11-30)


I can find myself in the similar situation, because I am Captain, too.

Branko Pece (Rijeka, 2019-11-30)


As a former seafarer, I know how challenging this life is, and after more than 30 years in shipmanagement I understand very well the pressures our seafarers are under.
To be criminalised for doing the right thing is a criminal act in itself, made worse since it occurs in one of the most corrupt countries there is.

Archie Smiley (Glasgow, 2019-11-30)