Petycja w sprawie uwolnienia Kapitana Andrzeja Lasoty przetrzymywanego w Meksyku



Im also a seafarer

Tobias Herbst (Bremen, 2019-12-01)


Proszę Go uwolnić

Bozena Wasilewska (Mława , 2019-12-01)


Zgadzam się całkowicie z przedstawioną wyżej petycją.

Patryk Szlęk (Częstochowa , 2019-12-01)


I am signing because I am Master on container ships and the same thing can happen to me.
Am 25years at se working very hard to feed my family and believe that Capt. Lesota is doing the same

Sasa Nikolic (Tivat, 2019-12-01)


Everyone deserves a fair trial

Nainshad Batliwalla (Mumbai, 2019-12-01)


I do believe he is an innocent!

Armando Domingo (Pasig, 2019-12-01)


I am an Australian Master Mariner. I fully support my Polish colleague Captain Andrzej Lasota in his predicament in Mexico. He carried out his duties in a professional manner but was arrested and imprisoned without due consideration of the circumstances. Please use your best efforts to help obtain his release.

Edward Pretyman (North Kellyville, 2019-12-01)


What happen to Captain Andrzej Lasota might happen also to my fellow seafarers that despite due diligence still vulnerable to this kind of prosecution.

Hope he will be released soon and enjoy the company of his love ones.

Clarence Baile (Northern Samar, 2019-12-01)



Richard Cash (Cape May Court House, 2019-12-01)


The unjust detainment of this gentleman must be stopped

Robert Potters (Heerjansdam, 2019-12-01)


I am signing because I am a retired Master Mariner with 31 years experience in command of mainly container vessels and can well understand the dire and unjust situation my colleague is involved in.

Detlef Koepke (Beauty Point / Tas., 2019-12-01)


I am disappointed a master with such experience is regarded as a criminal, because drugs have been found in his ship and no evidence to suggest he was aware the drugs had been secreted underneath a cargo of bulk coal.

Dale Cole (Tuross Head, 2019-12-01)


I sailed many years as a Master onboard tankships and I am very distressed about the International

Paul Merrill (Juneau, 2019-12-01)


reason is clear have the man released immediately.

Hans H (Groningen, 2019-12-01)


I am a Master Mariner and am against the criminalization of ship's masters.

William Dernier (Velddrif , 2019-12-01)


We have to take care of our fellow crew members who are only trying to do their job under sometimes most difficult situations

Wilem van Veen (Velserbroek, 2019-12-01)


This is every captain's nightmare!!!

Cor Plugge (DEN HAAG, 2019-12-01)


I am incensed that the master of a vessel is held without reason for any period of time.
Masters of vessels are the responsible person on board their ships but in today's world, NOT responsible for all actions aboard.
Let the man go and approach the vessel managers.

Release him please

howard Baker (Abergele, 2019-12-01)


It is wrong to punish a Ships Captain in case drugs are found on his ship.
Compare it with an airplane.
A pilot would never be arrested in case of drugs on board of his airplane

Johannes Meijer (Nagele, 2019-12-01)


This is no justice!

Arthur Noatschk (Heythuysen, 2019-12-01)


Clearly these sailors are innocent and the courts should show mercy

Timothy Mark (Falmouth, 2019-12-01)


I am signing because this is another example of criminalisation of seafarers just trying to perform their job as they should. What a disgrace to the Mexican judicial system.

R.E. Roozendaal (Amsterdam, 2019-12-01)


Żaneta Kłosińska

Żaneta Kłosińska (Słubice , 2019-12-01)


I like to see an end to unfair treatment of a seafarer.

Emilian Pascu (Constanta, 2019-12-01)


The captain is innocent untill proven guilty,that is the law.So he must be released immidiately

Jan Baaij (Nieuw-Vennep, 2019-12-01)


I am signing because he should get an honest trial based on evidence, which apparantly there is not.

Richard Krabbendam (Zeist, 2019-12-01)


Uważam, że niczym nie zawinił.

Robert Dwulit (Koszalin, 2019-12-01)


Not fair

Mike Shelton (Fort Worth , 2019-12-01)


Bo jestem marynarzem.

Piotr Czeronko (Morzyczyn, 2019-12-01)


I am a seafarer, and have seen enough of these cases for too long.

Vijay Koppikar (Oakville, 2019-12-01)


Wierzę w uczciwość Pana Kapitana i uważam, że należy zrobić wszystko co możliwe liwe aby mu pomoc.

Joanna Szerechan (Unisław , 2019-12-01)


As a crew management company we have to protect and support with all our power the officers and crews onboard our vessels. These people are the backbone of our business and without them no trading/shipping would exist. We have to be next to them and their families in difficult times. Hope that Capt. Lasota will be released soon from his nightmare.

Martina Meinders (Limassol, 2019-12-01)


I want to support my President word.

Martyna Golebiewska (Nadarzyn, 2019-12-01)


Zarzuty dla Kapitana uważam za całkowicie absurdalne. W przeszłości podobne incydenty zdarzały się w wielu portach i nigdy w znanych mi przypadkach nie przyjmowały podobnego obrotu. Spędziłem na morzu kilkadziesiąt lat. Tylko energiczne działania polskiego rządu mogą pomóc temu Obywatelowi Polski.

Jerzy Pasikowski (Gdynia, 2019-12-01)


I’m signing because the Master possibly didn’t fail his duty but followed procedures by alerting and reporting to the local authorities.
Pursuing this Master would send a wrong message to the international maritime community.

Cyril Hdt (Paris, 2019-12-01)


Anna Tomys-Karpiej

Anna Tomys-Karpiej (Zielona Góra , 2019-12-01)


Marynarze nie mogą być traktowani jak przestępcy za wykonywanie swojego zawodu. Praca na morzu to ciężki kawałek chleba i codzienne narażanie się na niebezpieczeństwo każdego dnia z dala od domu.
Jestem przekonany, że kpt. Lasota wykonywał jedynie swoje obowiązki, a przez zorganizowaną przestępczość, która znalazła luki w systemie ochrony portu niewinny człowiek przez ponad 4 miesiące jest osadzony w więzieniu.
Uważam, że Polska ma obowiązek ostro zareagować w imieniu polskiego marynarza przetrzymywanego w meksykańskim więzieniu.

Kpt. ż.w. Tymoteusz Listewnik

Tymoteusz Listewnik (Mierzyn, 2019-12-01)


Z wyrazami szacunku

Jacek Andruchowicz (Northampton , 2019-12-01)


Równie dobrze sam mógłbym się znaleźć na miejscu tego Pana. Pracujemy w tej samej firmie, również jestem marynarzem.. Nikomu nie życzę takiego losu. Pozdrawiam.

Mateusz Sokolowski (Reda, 2019-12-01)


Podpisuję, ponieważ Kapitan Andrzej Lasota postąpił zgodnie z regulaminem, zasadami bezpieczeństwa i zasadami człowieczeństwa. Uważam, że przetrzymywanie Go w więzieniu w Meksyku jest bezpodstawne. Wszyscy tu na Niego czekają. A najbardziej ukochana rodzina.

Dagmara Sokołowska (Reda, 2019-12-01)


Jestem oficerem marynarki handlowej i zdaję sobie sprawę z absurdalności tego typu zarzutów

Tytus Radoliński (Katowice, 2019-12-01)


Maria Lipińska

Maria Lipińska (Warszawa, 2019-12-01)


I was a Merchant Navy Captain.

DEHEUSCH Jean-Pierre (Bordeaux, 2019-12-01)


I feel that captian is innocent

Jay Vansjalia (Bremen, 2019-12-01)


Person who called and informed by him self the authorities can’t be guilty. In every other normal country he would receive an award for publishing and putting his life in danger.

Предраг Шаровић (Bat, 2019-12-01)