Petycja w sprawie uwolnienia Kapitana Andrzeja Lasoty przetrzymywanego w Meksyku



Jestem marynarzem i wiem, ze żaden czlonek załogi nie jest w stanie w 100% nadzorować co trafia do ładowni podczas załadunku

Adrian Pietrzak (Gdansk , 2019-12-02)


He needs to be free

Jakub Schwartz (Rumia, 2019-12-02)


I consider that is because Law and Justice should remain in our Global Maritime Community

Raymundo Mata Contreras (Mexico , 2019-12-02)


I believe as fellow seafarer that action taken against Captain Andrzej Lasota is unjust , biased and against the international regulations.



Having been a Master Mariner myself, I strongly condemn the criminalization of seafarers without evidence.
Capt. Thomas Reppenhagen

Thomas Reppenhagen (Limassol, 2019-12-02)


He is innocent

Gideon Villacora (Poblacion Ramon Magsaysay Zambo Sur, 2019-12-02)


Master Mariner

Eric Opdeweegh (Poortugaal, 2019-12-02)


Podpisuję bo tez jestem marynarzem

Maciej Izydorczyk (Aleksandrów Kuj, 2019-12-02)


This respected mariner and leader who has followed his duty and served his profession does not deserve his current plight. Please release him and let him return to his loved ones.

Steve Palmer (Cork, 2019-12-02)


I'm trust that Andrzej Lasota is a good man and he is not guilty. He also deserves for spending Christmas with his family.

Malwina Rogala (Dublin , 2019-12-02)


I' am a Master Mariner and I know the life at sea. Let' free all the innocent people in jail.

Daniele Viarengo (Rocchetta Tanaro, 2019-12-02)


It could happen to almost everybody in this business

Sebastian Hesse (Elsfleth , 2019-12-02)


I believe he is innocent

Malgorzata Otynska-Ociepka (Szczecin, 2019-12-02)


Proszę pomóc Panu Kapitanowi Lasocie

Tomasz Maliszewski (Płoskinia, 2019-12-02)


I want

Nikodem Chwieduk (Szczecin, 2019-12-02)


Ponieważ nikt nie powinien cierpieć, za niewinność.

Klaudia Mańka (studzionka, 2019-12-02)


I'm signing because this is yet another example of a professional mariner being criminalized simply for doing his job.

Lisa Rosenthal (Linthicum Heights, 2019-12-02)


Nie zgadzam się z takimi działaniami jakiegokolwiek kraju

Piotr Spychalski (Gdynia, 2019-12-02)


Jestem marynarzem . Może to spotkać każdego . Za granicą w starciu z wymiarem sprawiedliwości w państwach egzotycznych jesteśmy na straconej pozycji !

Jacek Murawski (Szczecin, 2019-12-02)



Czeslaw Gumowski (Szczecin, 2019-12-02)


I am a Captain as well. So I know that Mr. Lasota did everything in right way and he suppose to be granted well for what he did, not arrested ! He was not involved with any smuggling shit, he was just a Captain, carring goods for countries and nations, helping civilizations a nations having goods they need... and for his brave and honor he has been placed in prison. Is it a kind of gratification he supposed to get?! No! Think about what you are doing, control your country in proper way and do not accuse innocent people. Brgds

Sebastian Szlachta (Lębork, 2019-12-02)


I'm a seafarer as well and this is not fair to put somebody in jail, because he's honest. Tough life at sea and they make it much wors.

Maciej Krzewicki (Szczecin, 2019-12-02)


Takie działanie karteli może przytrafić każdemu marynarzowi, a marynarz marynarza powinien traktować jak brata i stać zanim murem.

Andrzej Paluszkiewicz (Kamień Pomorski, 2019-12-03)


I think this is a travesty of justice.

Tony Noakes (Manila, 2019-12-03)


Solidarnie za Brać Morską.

Ireneusz Pastuszko (Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, 2019-12-03)


I know what dose it mean Captain job and his responsibility for crew, ship and cargo. I'm proud that have friend Captain Andrzej Lasota.

Slawomir Kwiatkowski (Lubiszyn, 2019-12-03)


Mieszkam w tym samym mieście co rodzina kpt. Lasoty wiec tym bardziej utożsamiam się z ta tragedia .

Emilia Woźniak (Solec kujawski, 2019-12-03)


Capt Lasota is innocent

Armando Pineda (Manila, 2019-12-03)


Facet jest nie winny

Rafał Szyjkowski (Bydgoszcz, 2019-12-03)


I'm signing because He is one of US.

Marcin Gleń (Leszno, 2019-12-03)


I'm signing because Im also working in maritime sector and we need support our colleague in the same industry

Roza Milewska (Pilchowo, 2019-12-03)



Leszek Skomoroko (Słupsk, 2019-12-03)


This mam is not guilty.
Just doping nie Job.

Krzysztof Szulc (Dobra, 2019-12-03)


Bo to jest absurd aby w tej sytuacji przetrzymywac ludzi w więzieniu.

Lukasz Szczepanski (Tczew, 2019-12-03)


I am also seaman and this can happen for all of us.

Benedykt Walkowiak (Szczecin, 2019-12-03)


I’m signed because the captain is innocent.

Seven Seas (Zywiec , 2019-12-03)


We are one family we sailors...

Tomasz Augustynowicz (Konin, 2019-12-03)


Wspieram kolege kapitana i zycze szczesliwego powrotu do domu.

Vladimir Docekal (Colchester, 2019-12-03)


Totally unfair imprisonment to another innocent seafarer carrying out his duties.

Andrew Brown (Limassol, 2019-12-03)