Petycja w sprawie uwolnienia Kapitana Andrzeja Lasoty przetrzymywanego w Meksyku



I'm signing this petition, because it can happen to anyone of us.We seamen, do not know what is brought on board by third parties.
Ships are large and have many places to hide things. We are only operators to bring food for the world from A to B. It is abused by crminals and you can't make seamen criminals, because they just carry out our jobs

Gerlof Bremer (Szczecin , Polen, 2019-12-03)


Innocent people must not be criminilised because of the drug cartels.



The Skipper's criminalization, in this case, seems to be totally unjustified, as he voluntary reported the presence of prohibited items on board to the relevant Authorities, once informed on such substance.
This spontaneous report clearly shows his willingness to cooperate in abiding by the international rules , with the aim of preventing heinous crimes to be committed both in the Mexican territory or elsewhere.

Giancarlo OLIMBO (ANGUILLARA SABAZIA, 2019-12-03)


I not agree with the decision of the Mexican authorities!

Marcin Pluto-Prądzyński (Szczecinek, 2019-12-03)


Innocent man who reported the crime must be released.

Tatiana Liperti (Limassol, 2019-12-03)


Each of us can be in a similar situation

Lukasz Walkowiak (nowy Dwór wejherowski , 2019-12-03)


Trzeba przeciwdziałać kryminalizowaniu kapitanów i załóg statków, w sytuacji kiedy nie tylko nie ponoszą odpowiedzialności, ale zgodnie z prawem dokonali wszystkich możliwych czynności

Sławomir Ostrowicki (Szczecin, 2019-12-03)


I am signing because I am also a seaman ( in rank of Captain ) so, I know what is the responsibility of this person.

Krzysztof Korczynski (Pogórze, 2019-12-03)


He is innocent!! Release him please!

Susan Diller (Highland Heights , 2019-12-03)


Podpisuję, bo solidaryzuję się z Panem Kapitanem, gdyż sam wielokrotnie mogłem być w podobnej sytuacji -10 lat pracowałem jako marynarz i starszy marynarz w marynarce handlowej. Znam dobrze tego typu sprawy i zagrożenia.

Maksymilian Kępiński (Warszawa, 2019-12-03)


Podpisuję ponieważ należy zrobić wszystko by pomóc.

Monika Lipka (Cegielnia, 2019-12-03)


I'm also seaman .

Andrzej Śmigielski (Chrzypsko Wielkie, 2019-12-03)


Solidarity this is what was polish citizens know from.I am a Seaman over 20 years i work in south America ports. It is very hard to controll all aspect of security during loading operation Master have to relly on officer ,officers on seaman on watch AB or OS . You cant be 24 h in as master in all veasel in the same time. I remember when Mexican sailors from school sailing ship was beeten in Gdynia our authority like to help Mexicans.Mr.President Duda , if you and other 400 personel of our goverment cant take care for one cittizen,than how can you take care for 38 millions ? When voting time coming always calling for support and getting possitive respond from citizens .It is time respond back as Goverment to own citizens.

Lukasz Kryń (Katowice, 2019-12-03)


i'm singing because i'm seaman

Filip Janas (Kraków, 2019-12-03)


Podpisuje, ponieważ pomagam.

Kamil Lis (Biała Rawska, 2019-12-03)


i want to

Katarina Plecas (Zagreb, 2019-12-03)


It’s a crime to arrest a honest seafarer and treat him as a criminal

Erwin Derlagen (Limassol, 2019-12-03)


This is an injustice

Vincent Scully (Kaikōura , 2019-12-03)


It is ludicrous to hold this professional mariner responsible for something completely out of his control. Release him immediately.

Stephen Erland (Bremerton, 2019-12-03)


Captain Lasota called the Mexican authorities to inform them of contraband in his ship and this is the thanks he gets. In Mexico no good deed goes unpunished. Free Capt. Lasota.

Donald Marshall (Seattle, 2019-12-03)


Im signing because I believe Capt Lasota is not guilty of the crime he was charged and he should be released.

Alain Aag (Pasig , 2019-12-04)


Criminalisation of mariners is unjust and vindictive.



I am signing this petition because this is unfair. Common sense must dictate in this instance. Upon finding the illegal drugs the Master suspended operations and notified the authorities. Obviously, he was not aware of anything illegal. Do the right thing. Release this man.

Michael Kozlowski (Warrenton, 2019-12-04)


Criminalisation of seafarers has to stop. Its high time now.

Subhadeep Ghosh (Hong Kong, 2019-12-04)


Am Marine he should be clear.

Oskar Mazur (Sławno , 2019-12-04)



Pawel Fedorowiat (Zlocieniec, 2019-12-04)


As an ex seafarer, I know the hardships of illegal detention, which is same as pirates hijacking. An innocent man is being made suffer, while the drug cartel is roaming free.

Auldius Pais (Mangalore, 2019-12-04)


Jestem marynarzem

Łukasz Rajski (Gdynia, 2019-12-04)


I agree with the petition theses

Zbigniew Koren (Szczecin, 2019-12-04)



sebastian chomiak (Szczecin, 2019-12-04)


I'm signing this because Master was innocent.
Hope he will be released soon.

MEIKA CLAUD (MANILA, 2019-12-04)


This story can happen to any sailor.

Sylwester Lepczynski (Szczecin, 2019-12-04)


Tez jestem marynarzem i w 100% solidaryzuje się z ludźmi morza.

Paweł Więcław (Gdynia, 2019-12-04)


I do not agree with the situation in which Captain Lasot found himself.

Katarzyna Małysz (Szczecin, 2019-12-04)


I have been working on a liner vessel between South America, Mexico and USA as chief officer and I am aware of the risks involved for the ship's captain to be framed even if he is innocent.

Florin Stratulat (Harrow, 2019-12-04)


Simply because this is so wrong-

John Dawson (Sunderland, 2019-12-04)


Wierzę w prawo do uczciwego procesu

Aleksandra Zając (Police, 2019-12-04)


I believe in a right to a fair trail

Wiktoria Arbaros (Police, 2019-12-04)


It is not fair to arrest hard working crewmembers for the criminal activities of others.

Arvid Geiger (Bremen, 2019-12-04)


I disagree with way of treating Cpt. A. Lasota. He deserves to be heared and have fairy trial.

Rafał Siwczak (Mierzyn, 2019-12-04)


I am fully agree with this letter.

Adam Barecki (Limassol, 2019-12-04)


I'm signing because I was in the area that this thing could happen to me.
Really sad

Mirosław Kieca (Mierzyn, 2019-12-04)


It is time for the maritime industry, the regulating Organizations and Maritime States to approach the position-rights-obligations of a Master on board by a different angle.
Master is responsible for the safety and his own actions, commercial Ships' routeing is a responsibility of vessel operators.
Then in my opinion and not only, Master is just a scapegoat available to be ´´sacrificed´´ at any moment and at the convenience of all parties engaged.
With the only hope that Capt.Andrzej Lasota will be free soon and in an act of solidarity, because no one of is exonerated of a bad moment in his career I sign this petition.

Anastasios Karaiskos
Captain Class A´

anastasios karaiskos (san antonio, 2019-12-04)


Impossible for Captain or crew to open and check each package.

Mansur Khan (Walvis Bay, 2019-12-04)


I"a signing this petition because I am seaman too

Romanm Mierzejewski (Bydgoszcz, 2019-12-04)


I do believe that every one deserve for justice and I do believe in our Duda president.

Anna Kuczyńska (Urszulin, 2019-12-04)


I do not agree with his arrest

Theodoros Marneros (limassol, 2019-12-04)