PETYCJA „STOP PAŃSTWU WYZNANIOWEMU” - usunięcie art. 196 z kk w obronie wolności artystycznej i wolności słowa
There should be no religion within politics.Jordan McSorley (Ft Lauderdale, 2021-03-17)
its 2021 not 1496. This piece of legistrature has no place in today’s world.lucas zarebinski (new york, 2021-03-17)
Even if I wasnt a Nergal/Behemoth fan, I would be compelled to sign this. I've always thought there should be a separation from church and state. I feel if Nergel broke into a church or assaulted some religious figure or something similar, then he should be arrested. One of the reason I've been drawn to Behemoth is, i like the way they express things. To me its art. I feel like that's all this is. I don't think he should be tried. Thank you for taking the time to read this.Landon Neilson (Brigham city, 2021-03-17)
I ******* love Nergal and love that he seeks justice through progressionOnni Kontro (Jyväskylä, 2021-03-17)
I could not agree more with this petition. Living freely in a country which respects liberty means exercising your voice without reprieve from governmental authority, and that includes the liberty to criticize the catholic church of Poland, or any religious institution.David Campbell (WATERFORD, 2021-03-17)
Religious persecution should be abolished!Josephine Cubbage (Culver city, 2021-03-17)
This an archaic law which needs to be removed.William Denton (Perth, 2021-03-17)
Religion should not be involved within politics, it’s a sickening idea and does not reflect the values of the general population!Colby Bungay (Ottawa, 2021-03-17)
I'm signing because human rights are not church business.Roy Najar (San Jose, 2021-03-17)
I’m signing because feelings are subjective, it’s a restriction of liberty and free will to censor someone’s thoughts. Hail BehemothAlex Tijerina (Weslaco, 2021-03-17)
I’m signing this because every one has the right of freedom of speech and what they believe in , others shouldn’t go against what they believe.Hunter Clabough (Bartow, 2021-03-17)
This law is archaic and irrelevant in these times and needs to be changed. Freedom of artistic expression needs to be allowed because this is not the 1800s anymore and we should grow not stay stuck in the past.Crystal Splawn (Georgetown, 2021-03-17)
I support Behemoth and Nergal, and all person's in the persuit of freedom of expression. F*** the government and f*** religious opression. Hail Satan, and hail freedom.Cameron Harper (Redwood City, 2021-03-17)
Because I want Poland to be normal.Weronika Dyja (Kraków, 2021-03-17)
Artists should not be constricted, they should be a allowed to express freely whatever they may desire. The law for blasphemy is outdated and obsolete, and the prosecution of the artists for "offending religious feelings" doesn't make sense.Chinmay Prasad (Bangalore, 2021-03-17)
Persecution of free speech is both archaic and inhumane. It goes against the very moral fabric of society to demonize someone over their freedom to scrutinize religion. Poland needs to join modern society in accepting everyone, despite their religious beliefs, and allowing people to speak openly and freely about (or against) any religion they wish.Seth Poe (Costa Mesa, 2021-03-17)
Freedom in a human right!Amanda Lunsford (New Port Richey, 2021-03-17)
I support Nergal in everything he doesMep Effigy (Penticton, 2021-03-17)
I'm signing here because Poles should be free to live there lives without unchecked legal threat and to make whatever art they choose.Cary Willard (North Royalton, 2021-03-17)
I agree with the petition of NergalErick Hidalgo (Heredia, 2021-03-17)
I'm signing because I believe in freedom of expression especially through music!!Josh Williamson (Geneva, 2021-03-17)
I respect and salute Nergals' putting His hoof down and opening so many eyes to a great movement that is not afraid to fight for our religious rights, freedom of speech and right of expression. Why should we sit back and let the oppression rule over us? I fully back and support Ordo Blasfemia 🤙Steven Lee James Hefner (Amarillo, 2021-03-17)
Religion should be private! It has no place in politics and matters of the state.Frauke Marie Nachtigall (Villingen-Schwenningen, 2021-03-17)
I full support AdamBonnylee White (Penticton, 2021-03-17)
I don ‘t believe the fairytakes.... and there isno God ;-))
Lenka Kankova Friedmanova (Košice, 2021-03-17)
I want to support.Matias Ittonen (Jakobstad, 2021-03-17)
Because I belive in freedomChristopher Olivares (Saltillo, 2021-03-17)
Podpisuję,ponieważ ten przepis jest najgłupszy w kodeksie karnym! Nie można obrażać czegoś,co nie istnieje! Z moimi uczuciami bezbożnika nikt się nie liczy i tak powinno być zw wszelkimi uczuciami! Uczucia to subiektywna i indywidualna sprawa każdego człowieka,więc wkładanie ich do kodeksu karnego jest tylko marnotrawieniem czasu sądów i pieniędzyvpodatników!Irena Gloksin (Toruń, 2021-03-17)
Podpisuję, ponieważ mamy państwo wyznaniowe, w którym kler panoszy się na wszystkie strony. W sposób cyniczny, chamski i bezczelny. Dosyć nieograniczonych przywilejów i bezkarności dla kleru! Artykuł 196 w kk jest zbrodnią, która nie ma na celu chronić jakichś śmiesznych uczuć religijnych, tylko jest celowo ustanowiony przez rządzących radykalistow katolickich na początku XX wieku, żeby zadowolić kler i powstrzymać wszystkich światłych ludzi od krytyki religii, wiary i kościoła. A nic tak jak religia i kościół nie zasługuje na krytykę w XXI wieku.Pozdrawiam wszystkich wolnych, światłych i racjonalnie myślących ludzi.
Łukasz Folczyk (Jasło, 2021-03-17)
These are outdated laws, being used to persecute artists and activists.Jason Harris (Melbourne, 2021-03-17)
Religious freedom, and the freedom to express religious feelings, is a fundamental right that should be granted to all, regardless of which religion is being practiced or spoken about. Persecution for doing so is an archaic point of view that must be outgrown and overcome.C L (Los Angeles, 2021-03-17)
I hate religionCharles Marchini (Lavagno, 2021-03-17)
religious freedom is a basic right, but presumably that only ever applies to christians (the majority) and no one else. Even in the USA, these people are heinous oppressors. Stop letting them use their cult as a weapon. It's not even a creative cult, they just steal everyone else's lore.Shivawn Ambrose (Austin, 2021-03-17)
Poland doesnt care about equal rights.Daniel Brundin (Härnösand, 2021-03-17)
I Support Freedom of SpeachRui Silva (Figueira da Foz, 2021-03-17)
i belive in freedom of speechLucian Lihaciu (Brașov, 2021-03-17)
Christians to the Lions 👎🏻Mateusz Cierpiał (Tychy, 2021-03-17)
I support free speech.Kristofer Westin (Karlskoga, 2021-03-17)
I care for freedom of speech and consider the court cases against artists based on religious feelings unacceptable.Andres Gonzalez Astua (Moscow, 2021-03-17)
Jestem przeciwko karaniu ludzi za poglądy.jan Nowak (Wrocław, 2021-03-17)
I am doing this cause of freedom of speech for the freedom of word for the Nergal cause he help me in the dark days and he show my way like a light in the dark. Show me how to believe in my self how to be my own me. And doing this anti religious violent againts the satanist, atheist and for the people who are pushed away like gays and lesbians... Religions are bad full of violent and when u say something againts them, they want to cross u and thats bad I hate that. So go Nergal Slovak boy is on your side for the freedom. For the freedom.Adrián Opremčák (Hnilec, 2021-03-17)
Chce zeby Polak w Polsce byl wolny.Agnieszka Twerdyk (Oldbury, 2021-03-17)
Artykuł ten stanowi wspaniałe pole do nadużyć. W świeckim państwie (oby wkrótce Polska nim się stała...) takie zapisy są niedopuszczalne.Monika Łapuć (Białystok, 2021-03-17)
Because these*****ers molest children and get away with it.Jason Dyer (Martinez, 2021-03-17)
Because I think this is a way to go.Nikolay Alekseev (Magnitogorsk, 2021-03-17)
It’s the right thing to do.Billy Cresswell (Wolverhampton, 2021-03-17)
I’m singing because no one should be charged or fined by offending religious people. We all have freedom of speech, and that means we are allowed to say anything, even if it hurts someone’s felling. And btw nergal is a bossFrederik West Egerup (Aalborg, 2021-03-17)
I don't believe in censorship of any kind. Freedom of thought!!! Hail Satan!!Gaz Gibson (Manchester, 2021-03-17)