PETYCJA „STOP PAŃSTWU WYZNANIOWEMU” - usunięcie art. 196 z kk w obronie wolności artystycznej i wolności słowa



I don't want to live in a country where artistic freedom is crushed by religion

Heinrich Mamica-Hüsken (Górki Wielkie, 2021-03-17)


Stop the Madness! We live in 22nd Century not in the Middle Age! Every person should say what he/she want... And not be punished if their statements are not religious enough...

Alexander Siller (Vienna, 2021-03-17)


I agree with Adam Darski that the law about blasphemia in Poland must be changed. In order to express our freedom and feelings.

Piotr Kołodziej (Gdansk, 2021-03-17)


mam dosyc koltunstwa i ciemnoty usankcjonowanych prawnie.

danuta stolarz (warszawa, 2021-03-17)


Remove artical 196 polish penal code .

Yuvraj G. S Rawat (Uttrakhand, 2021-03-17)


I'm signing because I've had enough

Jakub Lotkowski (Suwałki, 2021-03-17)


fuck this

Onno druijf (Rockanje, 2021-03-17)


I believe in freedom and free will religions kills

Eloy Fabrice (Liège, 2021-03-17)





Separate Church and State.
Religious beliefs and practices should stay within the walls of itself. They should not influence or have any part of political power.
It’s outrageous that an artist/journalist/ author have to consider any offense on his criticism of an over powering religion.
At the end if the day, these are just beliefs.

Luis Andühaar (Pinecrest, 2021-03-17)


Stop this Religius violence in Poland. Heil Behemoth!

Daniel Szymaniewicz (Morąg, 2021-03-17)



Ernesto Diaz (Chalandri, 2021-03-17)


Jestem Polką mieszkającą w Kanadzie i jestem zbulwersowana tym, co dzieje się z prawami kobiet i człowieka w Polsce.

Jozefina Kucharska (Toronto, 2021-03-17)


Gdyż cenie wolność słowa i poglądów a gardzę fanatyzmem.

Grzegorz Augustyniak (Wrocław, 2021-03-17)


I am signing because no religion should enslave any population and force individuals to be silent of their own beliefs. Forcing individuals to bend their knees for a God that they do not believe in, it is morally depraved. In keeping Article 196, it only proves the weakness of the church, shows the fear of criticism. Poland has always fought to be free; why should religion be just another shackle?

Magdalena Swiech (Fountain, 2021-03-17)


Laws that prohibits someones expression of their opinions on the basis of religious laws are nothing but authoritarian power grab by the church in an attempt to censor and silence people at the states will.

Maris Chiriliuc (Stockholm, 2021-03-17)


These laws are allowing the Church to overstep and for people to target anyone they don't like as offending them. This is not justice - its a modern witch hunt.

Sarah Baker (East Peoria, 2021-03-17)


I'm against Christianiti and i do not suport Chrurches. Also, i'm fan of Behemoth and i completley agree with Nergal.

Miloš Jevtić (NOVI SAD, 2021-03-17)


No religion should have such control over a country or it’s people and it’s time someone fought against that.

Callum Asson (Dudley, 2021-03-17)


Freedom for the people of #Poland.💌
Stop persecution.🌬️
Let there be art.🌹
God is dead.💀
Saudações de Portugal.

Miguel Sales (Figueira da Foz, 2021-03-17)


I despise censorship from catholic church. They can literally do what they want and no one can't touch them.

Filip Helisz (Lubliniec, 2021-03-17)


Nie chcę aby Polska była krajem wyznaniowym.

Sylwia El (Wałbrzych, 2021-03-17)


I'm an antitheist

Jakub Selin (Zduńska Wola, 2021-03-17)


Free speaking!

Rafael Ferreira Tavares (Recife, 2021-03-17)


Wolność wyboru, wolność słowa w Pl.

Sebastian Bartas (Oldbury, 2021-03-17)


Freedom of expression without free of prosecution is important to me.

Jordan Dubois (Hollister, 2021-03-17)


Takie prawo jest nieprecyzyjne, dopuszcza zbyt dowolną interpretację. Jest niezgodne z Konstytucją RP, jak również z prawem do wolności wypowiedzi i z logiką. Jeżeli można obrazić uczucia religijne, to analogicznie można obrazić uczucia antyreligijne i inne, np. uczucie strachu, przywiązania czy miłości.

Renata Zdunek (Dąbrowa Rusiecka, 2021-03-17)


I believe that everyone should be able to speak freely about religions

Kamil Petryszyn (Wrocław, 2021-03-17)


Podpisuję, ponieważ zgadzam się w całości z treścią petycji.

Jurand Cyganek (Szubin, 2021-03-17)


Religion is the evil of humanity. It should not be mixed with politics and law. Art does not impose, it expresses. Religion is always imposed against will and freedom so it takes more than it gives. It is not needed to promote respect of others. It actually does the opposite when mingled with law and rights.

Mariel Dv (Zapopan, 2021-03-17)


Artistic Freedom

Gustaf Karlsson (Falun, 2021-03-17)


I fully support the much needed separation of religion with church as organization at the forefront and the state. There is no longer place for such outdated laws in modern era with so much going on in the world considering freedom of speech movement, racial equality, intra - sex equality etc etc....

Velibor Cakic (Pula, 2021-03-17)


I am signing this petition because first, feelings are subjective. There are too many variables affecting how a person feels or reacts to something, to prove in a courtroom, that the said religious "defamation", was the provable cause of the offended feelings. Feelings aren't always fact. Some examples are: Low blood sugar, chemical imbalances, someone cut you off in traffic earlier that day, your wife slept with the neighbor, or you were molested by a priest, and you are triggered by religious imagery used by an artist.
Also, as a survivor of criminal violence, the rule of law should protect the welfare of people, from bodily harm, financial harm, traffic laws so we can all drive together safely. This penal code is abusive, because it is not about providing tangible safety, or order, but its rather about controlling people in the name of religion. Abusers control. Instead of controlling art and music, why can't the Catholic Church 'control' or stop altogether child abuse by their OWN parishioners?

Rebeca Webster (Portland, 2021-03-17)


I'm the freewill human being!

RAFAŁ DŁUŻYŃSKI (Pabianice, 2021-03-17)


Laws biased on religious doctrine perpetuate outdated ideolog, kill progress, and victimize those that do not ascribe to those theological beliefs. It is an act of cruelty.

Hayne Pearish (Wilmington, 2021-03-17)


Artistical freedom should not be restricted. It is the very foundation of art to defy borders and create something that is both in and above worldly or religious views, so that people can look deeper into themselves and their feelings so they can be better to themselves and those around them. Restricting this freedom equals imprisonment out of proportions!

Bas Linders (Arnhem, 2021-03-17)


Im signing because the attempt to destroy free speech in Poland.

Jacob Alonzo (Fresno, 2021-03-17)


Fuck this old way of thinking. Poland needs to get with the times.

Adrian Øien (Kristiansand, 2021-03-17)


Art is more important than religion

Stephan Arlt (Stuttgart, 2021-03-17)


Offending someone should never be illegal.

Gabriel Asay (Plainfield, 2021-03-17)


Blasphemy and Heresy laws in Poland are the leftover evidence, the leftover remnants on how seriously manic and inhumane The Catholic Church Really Was! How much control and power they had over peoples daily lives to the point of torture, and PTSD in the middle ages. History doesn’t lie, and iron maiden is not just a cool heavy metal band you know! The church really did this shit to innocent people in the name of blasphemy, heresy, and mass hysteria.

Angela Rickman (Los Angeles, 2021-03-17)


Because freedom of religion should also include the right to publicly denounce it.

Reinier Klapwijk (Rotterdam, 2021-03-17)


I'm signing because I support Adam (Nergal) including everyone else in the behemoth community and the ideal of freedom of thought, speech and religion.

Eugene Dismukes (Fresno, 2021-03-17)



Nathan Anderson (Orange Park, 2021-03-17)


I think everyone is entitled to their own religious opinion, belief or disbelief, but nobody has the right to impose it on the other or to punish them for it.

Klaartje Keppens (Puurs, 2021-03-17)


I'm singning because freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental right and any eu country should agree with that.

Georgios Heidenfelder (Wasserbillig, 2021-03-17)


I’m signing because In the United States, freedom of religion is a constitutionally protected right provided in the religion clauses of the First Amendment. Freedom of religion is closely associated with separation of church and state, a concept advocated by Colonial founders such as Dr. John Clarke, Roger Williams, William Penn, and later Founding Fathers such as James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.

Joaquin Renova (El Paso, Texas, 2021-03-17)

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