Petycja w sprawie Wrocławskiego Teatru Pantomimy im. Henryka Tomaszewskiego
We, undersigned, express our strong opposition to the emerging reports of the intention to liquidate the Wroclaw Mime Theater named after Henryk Tomaszewski by the Marshal's Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodship.
The Wrocław Mime Theater is the unique mime theater in Europe, a very important place for Polish and European theater, which its diversity and identity.
This theater is undeniable, for many years, brand of the Lower Silesia, it cares not only for cultural heritage, but also builds its own theater language. The Wroclaw Mime is a team of excellent mime artists on a world-class level. Thanks to this brand, many people in the world learned about Poland, Lower Silesia and Wroclaw. We are therefore saddened to receive the news that in the year of the 100th anniversary of Henryk Tomaszewski's birth, we should not only participate in an important celebration for us, but also fight for the right to keep pantomime on the theatrical map of the Country, Lower Silesia and Wroclaw. We appeal to the members of the Board of the Lower Silesian Voivodship so that they do not make hasty and irreversible decisions that will certainly affect the lowering of the cultural profile of Lower Silesia.
Wrocławski Teatr Pantomimy im. Henryka Tomaszewskiego Skontaktuj się z autorem petycji
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