NIE dla "Nocnych Wilków" НЕТ для "Ночных волков" PL, RU, EN

Quoted post



2015-04-14 08:07

I am Ukrainian. I have friends among soldiers who are now fighting the Russian aggression. I have family in the East who have fallen victim to this "hybrid war". Instead of living my life in peace and enjoying it, I start every day by reading the news and hoping that the death toll announced would be zero.

Please diminish the chance of your people living like this by banning these criminals from your country. I have faith in Poland, which has always been the epitome of common sense to me. Thank you.



#263 Re:

2015-04-14 10:36:12

#253: -  

 You do not see that you abused the USA and EU against Russia? What did you achieve? You destroyed your own economy and US and EU help only supply more and more weapons. Do you want to kill everyone? You want another world war?

Vy nevidíte, že vás USA a EU zneužila proti Rusku? Co jste dosáhli? Zničili jste si vlastní hospodářství a USA i EU vám pomůže pouze dodávkami dalších a dalších zbraní. Chcete se vyvraždit všichni? Chcete další světovou válku?